Sunday, September 13, 2009


my background)i had done graduation in computer science and engineering from sgsits in 1992 batch. after graduating i took a situation based decision on continuing education , i initially opted for attempting a gate, but fortunately avoided it and continued reading few philosophical synopsis and side by side preparation for gre in which i appeared late 1993, then i started a fresh job search under negative evaluation from prospective employers, but to the best of my religious hunch i visited shirdi , as to my deep intuition i was called up for a job at a coal handling plant in singrauli up, now after abundant inspiration i give up the job and worked under a one person software unit splendor infotech, basically i didn't gain much learning in that job but i took that as a overhauling period for myself, then i ventured into networking alone and then started a cybercafe : as i remember because i had a knack of noting address and contact no of my esteemed seniors and customers who have a open mind for a chat and knowing about other peoples ideas and knowledge ,currently i am working as an e-learning professional independently
in an environment cursed with pornography and time passing chatting zones i give up the cybercafe , by then i start contacting my colleagues of 1992 batch as for a venture in search engine optimization and quantum computing and collected varied amount of files as pdf books and upto volumes of some 100 gb , this collection has an evolvement of my hardwork into varied fields of knowledge mainly philosophy , psychology, cognitive science, mathematics, electrical and electronic textbooks , vocabulary , networking protocols and principles and many management topics , bestsellers and then torrents of ebooks on technology and application related areas , but as i got such a breakthrough in them that i forgot to care about other things in my busy life, as a result i developed into an unbalanced growth in day to day life, an e-learning is that set of skills that is done electronically with a direction for implementing your learning into internet and cyberworld , i also used to assist my younger sister in her printing work and as her capacity as a company secretary, thats all for now plus my quality
natural, philosophic , introverted, innovative, selfish, friendly , empowered, skilled, strongminded, romantic, witty, new-fashioned, news-savvy, encyclopedic, cherished, celebrated, religious, experimentor, iconic, truth-inspiring, committed , realistic,
Where I grew up
on earth
Places I've lived
indore , indore & only indore
Companies I've worked for
Worth technology , TRF, DLI, Splendor, Cyberleaf , impetus
Schools I've attended
Little flower, Rising Star , Vaishnav ,; SGSITS , IIM Indore
Other names
bhaiya uncle ji